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Green Dot Certificate for Mlijekoprodukt
Green Dot Certificate for Mlijekoprodukt

Ekopak has awarded the Green Dot Certificate to Mlijekoprodukt, a company based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the year 2022, confirming their commitment to the development of recycling systems and environmental protection ...

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Ekopak at the "Waste as a Resource" Conference

As part of the recently held conference titled "Waste as a Resource," organized by the Chamber of Economy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in collaboration with the partner company nLogic Advisory, ...

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Ekopak supported the Diplomatic Winter Bazaar

This year, Ekopak once again supported the Diplomatic Winter Bazaar held last weekend at the Mirza Delibašić Hall in Sarajevo. The event attracted around 10,000 visitors, and Ekopak provided support by installing ...

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Ekopak on BHT1
Ekopak on BHT1

Our associate Irna was a guest on BH television at special program dedicated to sustainability and waste management. The conversation focused on Ekopak's achievements in 2022 and the first six months of ...

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Ekopak at GRAPOS EXPO 2023

In order to emphasize the importance of improving recycling systems and educating the public, Ekopak regularly participates in various economic, cultural, and sports events. This was the case once again when Ekopak, ...

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Italian journalist Giorgio Kaldor visited Ekopak
Italian journalist Giorgio Kaldor visited Ekopak

Italian journalist Giorgio Kaldor visited Ekopak on Friday to discuss the possibilities of including the informal sector in packaging waste collection. Kaldor, who works for the prestigious international magazine ...

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Ekopak continues to invest in system development

Ekopak is determined to support its partners - collectors of packaging waste in developing their capacities for packaging waste collection, preparation and transport for recycling. This time, together with our partner ...

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The first underground eco-island in Bihać

Bihać got its first underground eco-island. In order to achieve the most efficient collection of packaging waste and to reduce the number of existing open, above-ground containers in the inner city core, as well ...

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Welcome to TV EKOPAK!

One of the important goals for Ekopak is informing and educating about the importance of recycling and environmental protection in general. Therefore, Ekopak regularly implements many projects since its foundation.

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Minister Hadžiahmetović visited Ekopak

Minister of Communal Economy, Infrastructure, Spatial Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection of Canton Sarajevo, Enver Hadžiahmetović visited Ekopak and got acquainted with the business and projects ...

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Ekopak caravan in Vitez

"Ekopak Caravan Month" project continued its journey across Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of educating children about the importance of recycling for our environment, about the recycling system in BiH ...

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Friendship trees planted in Čitluk

In the reforestation campaign carried out by Ekopak as part of marking ten years of successful business a hundred conifers and other trees were planted in Blatina, Municipality of Čitluk.

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Promotion of the "Green Dot" sign in Mostar

Our responsibility for the preservation of the environment is also reflected in the care for packaging of the products we buy every day. That is why it is important, when buying a product, to check declaration and see whether ...

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Waste recycling plant opened in Bihać

In Public Utility Company Komrad from Bihać, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a recycling business unit has been opened, which will deal with the separation of useful waste and insted of landfill it will be disposed ...

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Meeting with Public Utilty Company Rad

Representatives of the Cantonal Public Utility Company RAD from Sarajevo, General Manager Vera Arnautovic, Executive Director of the Public Hygiene sector Fahrudin Tinjak and Head of Technical Preparation for Public ...

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Annual meeting of Eco-schools in BiH

ECO-SCHOOLS is the largest international licensed program for education in the field of environmental protection. This program helps to further improve environmental education in educational institutions (from kindergartens, ...

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Happy Holidays!

Dear associates, partners and friends of Ekopak, At the end of another challenging year, we would like to thank you all for your cooperation. With the hope that this cooperation will be even more successful in the ...

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Eco-schools BiH - A year behind us
Eco-schools BiH-Year overview

The international licensed program "Eco-schools" is the largest global program for education in the field of environmental protection and youth empowerment, which is currently implemented in 67 countries and ...

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Eco-schools BiH-Year overview

The international licensed program "Eco-schools" is the largest global program for education in the field of environmental protection and youth empowerment, which is currently implemented in 67 countries and ...

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Ekopak picture book - Recycling is No Hassle

To mark the 50th anniversary of Planet Earth Day, Ekopak presents a unique online picturebook for the kids through which they can learn with our Zekopak how to recycle and keep our environment clean by separating packaging waste.

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Let's be responsible

Today is World Recycling Day. Unfortunately, we delayed all our activities due to the crisis with the corona virus but with our partners we continue to operate responsibly and collect packaging waste.

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Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!

Dear associates, partners and friends of Ekopak, At the end of another challenging year, we would like to thank you all for your cooperation. With the hope that this cooperation will be even more successful in the coming ...

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Ekopak supported Avon girls at running

At Sunday, on September 01, was held a race named ,,Avon girls run’’, and a short and fun race for kids ‘’Nesquik Kids Run’’, with an aim of promoting healthy and active way of life of our cocitizens, as ...

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Ekopak eco-patrol

During Sarajevo Film Festival, Ekopak organized an eco-patrol tasked with touring the eco islands, checking if the packaging waste properly disposed  and informing citizens about the importance of proper disposal ...

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Ekopak donated a flower island to Zenica city

‘’Ekopak – a flower island’’ is from today a new decoration of Kulin ban park in Zenica. It was formally opened by a president of the Forum of Zenica’s citizens – Faruk Kadrić, and Ekopak’s financial ...

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Ekopak overfulfilled all yearly aims

The aim for glass is fulfilled with 103%, metal with 105%, paper 103%,  plastic 104%, wood 105%, multilayer 116%, and for package material of dangerous matters even 163%.

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Ekopak at EYOF

We are proud that our capital city, togrther with East Sarajevo, was a host to  the European Olympic festival for the young (EYOF).

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Association of system operators in BiH is founded

Licensed system operators for managing package material and package material waste in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, companies Ekopak Sarajevo and Eko život Tuzla, and licensed system operators for managing ...

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Association of system operators in BiH is founded

Licensed system operators for managing package material and package material waste in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, companies Ekopak Sarajevo and Eko život Tuzla, and licensed system operators for managing electronic ...

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Happy Holidays!

Dear partners and friends of Ekopak, At the end of another year, we warmly thank you for the good cooperation and trust. Hoping that our cooperation will continue, we wish you good health, personal happienss and a ...

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Public research in the Municipality Center

The Center for Environmentally Sustainable Development (COOR) of Sarajevo started the implementation of the project "Together - Small and Large Environmental Guardians in the Municipality Center". The project ...

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Project Re:Creative: Students met upcycling

Within the Re:Creative project, the Association "Aarhus Center in BiH" organized the first workshop where 18 students of 2nd and 3rd grades from the Secondary School of Environment and Wood Design and Secondary ...

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The best Young Eco Reporters visited Bihac

Bihac, 27.07.2018. - For the winners of this year's program Young Eco Reporters, high school students from Gorazde, Visoko, Posusje, Srebrenik, Sekovici and Tuzla, Ekopak organized a trip to Bihac where they visited ...

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Young Eco Reporters received the awards

Sarajevo, June 28, 2018. - Today was organized the award ceremony for 15 most successful students from high schools across the country, who participated in this year's program "Young Eco Reporters". Thanks ...

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Earth Day celebration

Mostar, 22.04.2018. - The Earth Day is celebrated annually on 22 April and marks the anniversary of the birth of a modern eco-movement. Celebration was introduced in 1970, after the first mass protests which are organized ...

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The World Water Day Celebration

Sarajevo, March 22, 2018 - On the occasion of celebrating the World Water Day, in the Youth Center Grbavica was held the final event as part of the project "Convert the Waste into a Useful Thing". The project ...

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Season's Greetings!

Dear clients, associates and friends of Ekopak, At the end of another successful year we thank you for your trust and cooperation. We wish that New Year's Eve and Holidays bring you good health, personal happiness ...

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The Mayor of Kljuc Municipality visited Ekopak

Sarajevo, October 25, 2017 - The Mayor of the Kljuc Municipality Nedzad Zukanovic, and the head of the Civil and Fire Protection Service Armin Cahut, visited Ekopak. Manager of Ekopak, Amela Hrbat, presented the results ...

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Ekopak and Komrad together at Ekobis Fair

Bihac, 14.09.2017.  - The 15th International Ecological Fair "EKOBIS 2017" organized by the USK Chamber of Commerce, is officially opened today in Bihac. The theme of this year's fair is water, and its ...

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Award ceremony for Young Eco Reporters

Sarajevo, 06.06.2017. - For the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina was realized the international program "Young Eco Reporters", in cooperation with info platform for youth "", social incubator ...

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Young Eco Reporters project in Tuzla

Tuesday, 27.12.2016. - In the framework of the project Young Eco Reporters, was held the workshop in Gymnasium "Ismet Mujezinovic" in Tuzla. The workshop was attended by 20 official representatives of schools ...

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Loyalty program

Ekopak as the first licensed packaging recovery organisation, is successfully fulfilling the prescribed recycling goals for the six years in a row, all thanks to a large number of producers, importers, distributors and ...

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Ambassador of the Czech Republic visited Ekopak

Sarajevo, 10. 11.2016. - Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Bosnia and Herzegovina HE Jakub Skalník and Mr. Petr Kašička, head of the Department of Commerce at the Embassy of the Czech Republic, has been visited ...

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10th Coca Cola Sarajevo Half Marathon was held

Sarajevo, 18.09.2016. - On the streets of the capital city was held 10th Coca Cola Sarajevo half marathon, which has reported 2,500 participants of which 1,100 half-marathons who ran track of 21 kilometers long, while ...

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Girls on the Run recycle

    Sarajevo, 09.11.2016. - In this year's sports and social responsible project "Girls on the Run" was involved a record number of 520 competitors, who are running and walking to present the importance ...

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Zenica kids with Ekopak marked Earth Day

 Zenica, 22.04.2016. - International Earth Day is celebrated in 192 countries, and Ekopak in our country for the fourth year in a row organizes various events to mark this important date. This year's central event was ...

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Municipality of Travnik in Green Dot System

Travnik, 24.12.2015. – Today at 12pm was held the ceremony of signing contract between Ekopak and PUC "Basbunar" Travnik, about the establishment of Green Dot System for recycling and recovery of packaging ...

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Another international success of EKOPAK

Brussels, 26 November 2015 – During its General Assembly meeting, EXPRA, the umbrella organisation for packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling systems which are owned by the obligated industry and work ...

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Ekopak participated on ZEPS 2015 fair

The largest business fair in Bosnia and Herzegovina took place in Zenica from 06.10. to 10.10.2015. Many business entities presented their work and made contacts. Ekopak informed packaging companies of the advantages ...

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Giro Drag Race held in Sarajevo

Sunday 09.08.2015. Sarajevo - Citizens' Association Giro di Sarajevo organized a bicycle race on Vilsonovo šetalište in Sarajevo. That day, 32 competitors raced for the best score on the course of 60 meters.

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Ecological festival "Gotiva" held in Zenica

The first ecological festival "Gotiva" was held from 3rd to 5th July at the popular resort Smetovi near Zenica. As an official partner, Ekopak helped arranging the site before the festival by organizing cleaning ...

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Ekopak awarded "Green Dot" certificates

Sarajevo, 14th. May 2015 - Ekopak organized an official event for "Green Dot" certification on 14th May at the Hotel Hercegovina in Ilidža. Certificates were awarded to directors and company representatives ...

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Municipality Kreševo enters the Green Dot system

06.05.2015. Municipality Kreševo enters the Green Dot system - a system for recovery and recycling of packaging waste. On this occasion an agreement that regulates the obligations of signatories was signed in the ...

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Ekopak supported World Health Day manifestation

On the occasion of April 7, World Health Day, in the cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina were organized numerous educational and fun activities to promote health and raise awareness about the importance of health preservation.

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Thirty-one eco-island in Bihać

On January 22nd 2015 handover of recycle bins for 31 eco-island to PUC Komrad took place in Bihać. Now citizens have the opportunity for selective disposal of their packaging waste that will be transported to recycling ...

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Posušje Municipality in Green Dot System

At December 30th 2014 a contract signing about Green Dot System establishment in Posušje Municipality took place. The contract is signed between Ladanušić Čistoća Ltd and Ekopak - first licensed packaging waste ...

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"Recycling is not the hassle" in Mostar

The educational play for children "Recycling is not the hassle" which is implemented in cooperation with the Bosnian National Theatre from Zenica, was shown on December 12th 2014 in Mepas Mall in Mostar. The ...

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Fondeko and Ekopak signed a cooperation protocol

Guided by the shared core values, business principles, guiding idea of establishing a long term, efficient and sustainable system in BiH, Fondeko and Ekopak signed a protocol on mutual cooperation, action and promotion.

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Ekopak Supports This Year's Una Regatta

42nd International Una regatta has an eco – friendly tone. This four-day event began with a formal opening on Tuesday, July 29th 2014 and has more then 400 participants from BiH, Croatia and Serbia.

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Ekopaks Workshop in Vitez

Workshop in Vitez was organised by Chamber of Commerce from SB Canton  and Ekopak, for obligatoris of the system from SB and ZE-DO Canton.

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"Tvrle Ecologist" in the Una- Sana Canton

In the government of USC held a press conference at which announced the beginning of realization of the educational project "Tvrle Ecologist", which will implement Ekopak in cooperation with the Ministry ...

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Earth Day celebrated

Today, at the Children of Sarajevo Square in front of the BBI Center, Ekopak has organized celebration of Earth Day. 

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PET recycling
Recycling of PET

How does PET plastic become a new product? It’s a four step process that begins with you!

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 Happy, healthy and prosperous New year to all Ekopak clients, associates and partners! Ekopak Team  

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Issue of recycling is among the most important questions of today. The quality of human life today and in the future in much depends on the way we manage our waste as a society as well as individuals.

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Environmental protection
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Rapid technological development, population growth and modern lifestyle on a daily basis increase production of waste that finally ends up usually on landfill

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Ekopak enables separate waste disposal on Vlašić

In cooperation with the Sports and Recreation Center Vlašić and supported by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Ekopak participated in setting of special compartments containing nets for separate packaging ...

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First Ekopak Conference
Ekopak organised first Conference

On Tuesday, 02 October 2012, Ekopak organized conference „Implementation of Ordinance on Packaging and Packaging Waste of FB&H“, that was held in the congress hall of hotel Hollywood Sarajevo. The Conference ...

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