Municipality Kiseljak, 20.11.2015. - In the earlier activities defined in contract between the Municipality of Kiseljak, PUC "Vodovod i kanalizacija" Kiseljak and EKOPAK, the 15 containers were delivered, and EKOPAK is purchasing additional 36 containers for the establishment of eco-islands. PUC "Vodovod i kanalizacija" Kiseljak is regularly servicing the containers and preparing the collected packaging waste for transport to recycling.

Besides purchasing of infrastructure, it is important to educate citizens about importance of the proper disposal of packaging waste and recycling, so the special attention is dedicated to projects for rising awareness among school children.

In the Elementary schools in Municipality Kiseljak: "Lepenica", "Kiseljak", "Gromiljak" and "Brestovsko", today were held theater plays "Recycling is No Hassle". By respecting the fact that habits created in childhood persist for a lifetime, the objective of the project "Tvrle ecologist" and the play "Recycling is No Hassle" is to create the habit of separate collection of packaging waste at the earliest age of the child, so it becomes a new way of handling with the waste and a new culture of living in our country. Director is Mr. Miroljub Mijatovic from Bosnian National Theater in Zenica, and project is implemented in collaboration with Citizen's Forum from Zenica.

All socially responsible companies which transferred its legal obligations for recycling to Ekopak are providing the establishment of the Green Dot System for recycling and recovery of packaging waste in our country. Legal obligations are in accordance with the Ordinance on Packaging and Packaging waste in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina no. 88/11 and no. 28/13).

The Municipality of Kiseljak received the Green Dot Certificate, and Ekopak as a exclusive provider of rights for using Trademark "Green Dot" for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, invites all companies to join Ekopak. On this way companies will send a message to consumers about their social responsibility, and consumers will rather purchase products marked with the Green Dot, knowing that they are participating in the establishment of the Green Dot System in Bosnia and Herzegovina.