,, Promotion of sea waste managing and the best practices over Adriatic region’’ – was the theme of an international conference that was held in Sarajevo. At this promotion, eminent experts point out to a problem of drastically increased plastic production which is recognized as a big threat to a sea environment, tourism, and recreational activities.

 A focus of conference was the municipality Neum, where a sea waste monitoring implements currently, and an existing waste problematic and a possibility of improving of situation discusses. On this occasion has been pointed out that the problem of plastic waste is recognized during floods, when blockage of water-supply infrastructure and system happens. Also, activities directed to education of citizens have been announced.  Public campaigns will be held in corporation with schools in Sarajevo and Neum, with the aim of educating the young on the theme of negative effect of plastic waste, but also to motivate them to think about creative reuse of plastics.

At the conference, experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Kosovo, Turkey, Greece, Albany and Croatia, presented positive practices regarding environment protection, elimination and prevention of plastic package material waste. Representatives of the relevant authorized ministries in BiH, the Fund for environment protection in FBiH and RS, as well as operators for package material waste EKOPAK and EUROBETA were present.

In the framework of workshop, Ekopak presented its experience and achieved results till the moment, as well as gave suggestions for improvement of current state. The results of our partners from region in Herzegovina ,,Duga’’ and ,,Ladanusic cistoca,’’ that work in region of municipalities placed in the Neretva basin, have been especially presented.