The first phase of the project "The Planet’s smile is in Your Hands" which conducts Ekopak in cooperation with NGO Ekotim and with support of Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, included 1,100 pupils from eight primary and secondary schools from Sarajevo. Included schools in the Project are: Alija Nametak, Meša Selimović, Safet Beg Bašagić, Šesta osnovna škola, Gimnazija Dobrinja, Treća Gimnazija, Gimnazija Obala and Srednja ekonomska škola.

The project started in March 2013, and is designed in a way that in the first phase were organized 38 educational workshops, which covered 1,100 pupils, where educators of Ekotim presented a new way of dealing with waste, separate collection of packaging waste and the importance of recycling. Presentations are tailored to pupils’ age: to 4th grade, 8th grade and high school pupils.

After the training phase, follows a quiz in all schools, and winners will represent their schools at the final quiz.

Parallel to these two activities pupils from all schools compete in quantities of collected packaging waste. Logistical support is provided by the packaging waste collector „Papir servis“.

For the winners of knowledge as well as for the school that collects the largest amount of packaging waste Ekopak provided prizes. Winners in both categories will be announced and rewarded at the final event on 5th June.