Eurostat is Statistical Office of the European Comission. Its main responsibilities are to provide statistical information to the institutions of the European Union (EU).

In November 2012, Eurostat published the 2010 packaging and packaging waste data for all EU member states. The statistical analysis provides insight to recovery and recycling rates, material-specific recycling rates and data on packaging placed on the market of EU.

The analysis showed that recovery and recycling rates continue to advance; the EU recovery target is 60%, and the overall recycling target is 55% (Directive 94/62/EC). In 2010, 76% of the packaging placed on the market of the EU was recovered, 63% was recycled and only 24% landfilled.

The EU glass packaging recycling target is 60%, for metal packaging 50%, paper and board packaging 60%, plastics packaging 22.5% and wooden packaging 15%.

Directive 94/62/EC lays down, among others, foundation for packaging recycling within European Union. In order to comply with the Directive, Member States must take necessary measures. It is noticed that one model of packaging waste management appears most in the EU countries. „Green Dot“ model is internationally recognized model of packaging waste management that contributes to more successful implementation of so called „extended producer responsibility“ in accordance with the principles of the Directive and relevant national legislation on packaging and packaging waste. The principle of extended producer responsibility means that those who place packaging or packaged goods on the market need to establish a system for its collection, recovery and recycling.

Under the mainstream of Green Dot model of packaging waste management in the EU countries, it is recorded that goals for recovery and recycling  tend to rise slowly but steadily from year to year even though goals from the Directive remain unchanged.

Eurostat data proves just how efficient Green Dot model of packaging waste management system can be over the years of its development. For example, in 2002 when the Czech Republic adopted its Packaging Law, overall recovery and recycling rate were 29%. In 2010, the Czech Republic's recovery rate was 78% and recycling rate was 70%. In 2004 Slovenia adopted its packaging legislative, recording 43% recovery rate and 34% recycling rate. Just six years later, Slovenian recovery rate equaled in 66%, while recycling rate was somewhat lower, 61%. Both Slovenia and the Czech Republic today exceed defined recycling and recovery rates defined by Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste.