Within the Re:Creative project, the Association "Aarhus Center in BiH" organized the first workshop where 18 students of 2nd and 3rd grades from the Secondary School of Environment and Wood Design and Secondary School of Applied Arts in Sarajevo, had the opportunity to learn about the concept of upcycling.

We all know what recycling is, but there is a similar but slightly different trend in the world: upcycling!
Upcycling is the re-use of old items, but from recycling differs in one key factor: upcycling implies to their improvement.
In this project, students will work with a tutor from the AWS Design studio in Vienna, Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky.
Workshops were held in the premises of the Secondary School of Environment and Wood Design.
In October, an exhibition of manufactured objects is planned in the Kutcha Gallery, where citizens will have the opportunity to buy interesting handcrafts from students. After the exhibition, high school students will continue to create new items with their professors and tutors, and another exhibition on the Planet Day is planned.
The project is financially supported by the Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo, the City of Sarajevo, Ekopak, ZEOS eko system ltd. and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Retrieved from: https://www.akta.ba/vijesti/projekat-recreativa-ucenici-se-upoznali-sa-upcyclingom/94373