Novi Travnik, May 25, 2018 - Within the project "The Smile of the Planet is in Your Hands" which is realized by Ekopak in cooperation with PUC "Vilenica-Cistoca Ltd and the Municipality of Novi Travnik, the educational workshops were held in elementary schools in the Municipality of Novi Travnik.

The project was implemented in elementary schools "Novi Travnik", "Safvet-beg Basagic", "Musa Cazim Catic", "Mehmedalija Mak Dizdar", "Edhem Mulabdic" and "Fra Marijan Sunjic".

Total of 83 workshops were held and around 1160 pupils participated.

Currently, in all of the schools there is testing of acquired knowledge in order to prepare the best pupils for the final municipal competition which will be held on June 5 - The World Environmental Day and the Day of the Municipality of Novi Travnik.

The aim of this educational project is to educate children about the proper disposal of packaging waste, and show the importance of recycling and environmental protection.