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The third quarter was marked by the further development of the infrastructure for the collection of packaging waste.

In cooperation with PUC Vitkom, in Vitez we renovated the eco-islands and provided additional containers for sorting glass packaging waste. In the Municipality of Ključ, bins for the collection of glass packaging waste have been placed in HORECA, which will ensure that larger quantities of glass packaging are sent to the recycling system. For this municipality we co-financed procurement of a vehicle for collecting packaging waste and we are sure that this vehicle will improve their capacities in collecting more tons of packaging waste. We also co-financed the procurement of packaging waste collection vehicles for Municipality of Novi Travnik, while in Bihać we signed a contract with the City of Bihać and PUC Komrad for the procurement, installation and commissioning of the first underground eco-island in this city.

During Sarajevo Film Festival, in cooperation with Coca-Cola, we took part in project "Recycle me. Give me a new life". Together with PUC RAD, we organized collection and transport of packaging waste and 19,370 kg of packaging waste was sent for recycling.

We also continued with our educational workshops for children with series of workshops in schools and kindergartens throughout the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the World Environment Day we organized an event with children in Pionirska dolina in Sarajevo.

Ekopak achieves better results month after month and the credit for this success belongs to you, our partners, who with your socially responsible business and attitude towards packaging waste greatly contribute to the development of the packaging waste recycling system in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Below you can read more about all our activities.

Until our next newsletter, we wish you a pleasant and successful time ahead.

Your Ekopak


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