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First of all, We wish you a happy New 2022 Year! May this year bring you good health, happiness and business success.

For us, the year 2022 is especially recorded in our calendars, because "Ekopak" celebrates its first jubilee - 10 years of successful operational work. As the first system operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have faced many challenges in the past ten years and for each challenge we have found the right solution and step by step, together with our partners, successfully moved forward to establish an efficient recycling system in our country.

We owe great gratitude for this, to our founders: "Argeta", "Banjalučka pivara", "Bihaćka pivovara", "Bimal", "Coca-Cola", "Orbico" and "Violeta", who always gave us their selfless support.

We are proud that in the past period, close to 900 domestic, regional and multinational companies have entrusted us to manage packaging and packaging waste on their behalf.

Our collectors, private and public companies in charge of collecting packaging waste also play an important role in the System. Thus, "Ekopak" successfully cooperates with 20 collectors from all parts of the Federation of BiH.

We would like to emphasize the professional cooperation with our line ministry, the "Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism" and the "FBiH Environmental Protection Fund".

The list is long, because there are also local communities with which we cooperate, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, media and numerous individuals.

We must not forget to point out our cooperation with international partners and friends, Pro Europe and EXPRA.

We owe everyone our gratitude for the fact that "Ekopak" has positioned itself on the market of packaging and packaging waste in BiH as the leading operator in the System and a credible partner. We are very proud of all these facts.

A great introduction to our jubilee is the international recognition we received at the end of 2021 from "AmCham Europe" in which "Ekopak" was declared one of the most successful examples of practice in Eastern and Southeastern Europe for contributing to the development of local communities. The fact that "AmCham Europe" has evaluated more than a hundred companies across Europe and that our work was chosen among the top eight in Europe shows the commitment of "Ekopak" in fulfilling its mission and goals.

Our focus in October was to support the project "From Spring to Sea" implemented by one of our founders, the company "Coca-Cola". This project was implemented in Bihać, Tuzla, Tomislavgrad and Sarajevo and was supported by our clients, socially responsible companies "Konzum" and "Mercator". The task of "Ekopak" was to ensure, with its partners public utility companies "Komrad" Bihać, "Komunalac" Tuzla, "JP Tomislavgrad" and "KJKP Rad" Sarajevo, that all collected packaging waste is handed over for recycling.

Also, in October, we signed a Memorandum of understanding for the important project "Efficient Waste Management in Sarajevo Canton" which will be implemented by KJKP "Rad" Sarajevo with financial assistance from the "Czech Development Agency" and the NGO "People In Need". Ekopak will participate in providing conditions for the sustainability of the project which would enable the citizens of the Sarajevo Canton to separately dispose of packaging waste and its recycling.

We continued our cooperation with educational institutions, so in this period we signed two agreements with two higher education institutions, the "Faculty of Health Studies" and the "Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics" in Sarajevo. These two faculties educate thair students in the field of environmental protection, so "Ekopak" is committed to providing future young professionals with education in the segment in which "Ekopak" operates and work and provide participation in our various projects.

We handed over fifteen large containers for the collection of plastic, paper and cardboard packaging waste to "Papir servis" who is one of the collectors of packaging waste in "Ekopak" System, We have been cooperating with "Papir servis" from the very beginning of our operational work, so we procured containers in order to increase their capacities for collecting various packaging waste.

In October we had a nice event in Bihać. Public Utility Company "Komrad" from Bihać officially opened the recycling yard for the selection of useful waste and "Ekopak" also actively participated in this project. This is also one of the positive examples of increasing the capacity for packaging waste collection and its preparation for recycling. "Ekopak" has been successfully cooperating with "Komrad" since the beginning of its operational work and has played a significant role in modernizing the business of this utility company. Today, "Komrad" is one of the most advanced utility companies in BiH, which was confirmed at the opening ceremony by the director of this company Mehura Selimović, as well as the Mayor of Bihać Šuhret Fazlić and the Minister of Physical Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection, Adnan Alagić.

In 2022, we started working intensively on the preparation of our annual report in which we will provide information about another successfully completed year as we have met all prescribed recycling targets, implemented various projects and further developed the Packaging Waste Recycling System. with respect to lower costs and for the benefit of the whole community.

Until next Ekopak newsletter, we send you our kind regards,

Your Ekopak 

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