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Municipality of Kiseljak is in the Green Dot System from the month of June. By signing the contract Municipality Kiseljak becomes the 14th municipality in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in which we began establishing the process of an efficient, transparent, long-term and sustainable system for managing packaging and packaging waste in BiH, modeled on European models.

On 5th June we marked World Environment Day in cooperation with municipalities Olovo, Velika Kladuša and Kladanj. In Olovo, about 900 elementary and secondary school students have participated in our educational project, and in Velika Kladuša project involved about 1600 students from all pre-schools, primary and secondary schools.

On this important date ceremonial signing of the contract with the National Park "Una" was organized. By signing the contract we will give a significant contribution to the preservation and protection of the environment of the greatest natural resource of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sets of bins and containers will be placed for visitors in order to selectively dispose packaging waste, which will be later handed over for recycling and utilization.

For the fourth time in a row, scientific conference "5. June - World Environment Day", in which we are involved, was held in the organization of the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać. The meeting was attended by experts and lecturers from the region and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the topics were preservation of water, the environment, protection of soil and air and waste management.

The 10th annual football tournament "Street Against The Street" was held in Široki Brijeg. During the four days of the tournament, we organized fun activities for children and collected a large amount of packaging waste which will be handed over for recycling. Children of Široki Brijeg have shown great interest in recycling.

In order to promote environmental protection and proper disposal of packaging waste, we supported the event Days of Mountaineers - Festival of Mountaineering at Prokoško lake, where more than 3.000 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region took part. During the event, visitors had the opportunity to separately dispose packaging waste in this protected area, and we have organized the transport of the waste collected for recycling.

On the eve of the first Eco Festival "Gotiva", which we supported, young volunteers from Zenica conducted a cleaning action of smaller landfill at the site of the festival, at the resort Smetovi.

A detailed review of our activities can be seen below.



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