In the interview for FENA Agency speaking about the cooperation program between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Czech Republic in the period from 2011 - 2017, the ambassador Szunyog pointed out that, opposed to the program from 2006 - 2010, the focus will be on the experience exchange and help at the negotiation capacities and further membership of BiH at the EU, takeover of legislation  and the technical support. 

Czech Republic's allocated fund for all the forms of developmental cooperation with BiH in the current programs is around 2,5 to 3 million EUR. 

The main objectives of the Czech development strategy are alleviating the burden on ecology, with emphasis at the household, industrial and hazardous waste. 

Asked to explain what did the activities contribute to BiH ambassador Szunyong empahsized that the Embassy of Czech Republic since 2009 have organized seminars aiming at harmonisation of the current legislative and adapting it to the EU standards. 

"On the level of the state and the entities, laws have been passed which indeed had been conceived by these projects. Thus, we had joint visit of the entity ministers of environment in Prague, where there were discussions with the Czech legislative experts and legislative of BiH have been is harmonised to the EU standards" said ambassador Szunyog.

He reminded that environmental protection was one of the most demanding chapters in the Czech Republic accession to the EU which, until today, requires significant investment in the system.

Although, insufficient technical and technological equipment for water and waste management are a serious issue in the sustainable development of BiH, the Czech Ambassador in BiH commended the work of Ekopak because of "successfull education about waste sorting and its disposal". 

You can read the whole interview here