In accordance with Article 26 of the Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ekopak submitted its "Annual Report on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management for the Year 2023" to the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In 2023, through a network of collectors from all 10 cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ekopak recycled nearly 18,000 tons of packaging waste, thus meeting its annual target.

Not only were the prescribed recycling targets met, but they were also exceeded by 6%. Specific targets for packaging materials were also exceeded as follows: glass by 3%, metal by 27%, paper by 4%, plastic by 20%, wood by 6%, and packaging of hazardous materials by 2%.

It is important to emphasize that since the beginning of its operational activities in 2012, Ekopak has recycled nearly 140,000 tons of packaging waste, requiring the transportation of more than 7,500 trucks.

"The achieved results for the year 2023, presented in our Annual Report, clearly demonstrate our dedication and success in fulfilling our mission. I want to emphasize that these results were achieved thanks to the dedication and cooperation with our clients, i.e., manufacturers, importers, and distributors of products packaged in packaging, of which there are more than 900 in the Ekopak system, as well as the tremendous effort of our 23 valuable collectors from the private and public sectors. We especially want to highlight that out of these 23 collectors, 12 are public utility companies from various cities, from Bihać, Ključ, Travnik, Vitez, Novi Travnik, Kreševo, to Gračanica, Sarajevo, Prozor-Rama, Konjic, Olovo, all the way to Tomislavgrad, who collect and prepare packaging waste for recycling for Ekopak, thereby reducing the amounts deposited in local landfills. In 2024, we will continue to work with the same enthusiasm to further develop the established system of collecting and recycling packaging waste with the greatest environmental benefits and minimal impact on the consumer prices of products packaged in packaging," said Amela Hrbat, director of Ekopak.